
N2438R is a Piper Cherokee 180. It is fully IFR-certified with a four-place intercom and kept inside the community hangar at the Warren County Airport. It rents for $149 per flight hour, including all fuel and oil costs. A G5 Attitude Indicator (PFD), ADS-B In/Out, and Garmin GTN 530 GPS/Com/Nav with WAAS makes instrument flying a breeze.


N32101 is a Piper Archer. It, too, is fully IFR-certified with a four-place intercom and kept inside the community hangar at the Warren County Airport. It rents for $149 per flight hour, including all fuel and oil costs. Avionics are of the latest technology, with dual G5s (PFD/MFD), ADS-B In/Out, along with Garmin GTN 530 GPS/Com/Nav.


N4450T is a Piper Cherokee 180. This aircraft has a basic VFR six-pack flight instrument panel, so it rents for $139 per flight hour. It, too, is kept in the heated community hangar at the FBO.


516PS marks our entrance into the world of Light Sport Aircraft. It is a 2010 Piper Sport Cruiser (PA38). It is a fantastically fun aircraft to fly and makes a great trainer for those seeking a Sport Pilot, Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot, or Flight Instructor certificates. Note, however, that LSA aircraft are not authorized to fly in instrument weather conditions, although this aircraft is perfectly equipped. It is qualifies as a Technologically Advanced Aircraft (TAA). Like the rest of our fleet, it is kept inside the heated main community hangar. It rents for $160 per flight hour.